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Magnetic Separator for Laboratory Preparation

Magnetic Separator for Laboratory Preparation

Update Terakhir 30 / 04 / 2024
Minimal Pembelian 2 Unit



Detail Magnetic Separator For Laboratory Preparation

Mesin Pertambangan

Electrostatic Separator :

Dimension/ cm. : L70 X W50 X H80 Technical data : For Separation of fine grained coal, ore and mineral samples with highly magnetic component, separation of ore particles or grit from the samples.

feed grain sizes up tp 15 mm.
Throughout Capacity 70 – Kg/ H. According to use.

Feed Quantity Control via installed Vibrating Chute, Drum shell rotating around a stationary, Introduction 0.2 Tesla, high permanent magnet system.

Operating speed adjusted by invertor range between n= 10 to 150 1/ -min, drive via installed a.c.

motor 0, 50 HP. 220 Volt. Total unit Weight 65 Kg.

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